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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So why do I love my brownstone doll house so much? Perhaps it's because I spent some of my young adulthood in NYC, living among the Manhattanites as an imported Midwestern nanny. For me, it was sort of like "An American in Paris." Everything, every thought, was completely foreign and not easy to translate for a small town girl like me.  There too, I was use to cornfields, not so much concrete.

I lived on the Upper West Side, on the corner of 77th Street and Central Park West. The living room over looked the Museum of Natural History, and my bedroom (and all other rooms on that side of the apartment) faced Central Park. For a kid who grew up in Northern Minnesota, I knew I was very, very lucky to be living this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  

The feelings I experienced there are the same feelings I hope to invoke in my own little brownstone. I've been back to the Upper West Side many times since, and plan to use the buildings, streets, and scenes to finish my doll house.  

For me, it will be like reliving a wonderful time in my life that I enjoyed immensely, while reinventing the surroundings that I still think of fondly and often.


  1. What memories these photos and your (soon to be brownstone) invoke as a former NY'er (and miniature enthusiast)! And nothing better than a NY deli so love your idea of incorporating one. Look forward to reading more. P.S. Try nail polish remover on that fireplace. I have had some luck with it for stubborn parts. Donna

  2. Thanks for the tip, Donna! I will give that a try! Did not see your comment until today...but glad I read it before I got the crowbar out! :)
